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Question of the Month: July 2024

In July, we asked our alumni for a Summer Shout-Out: If you could recommend a history student to take a course by any history professor (past or present), what course and which professor would you recommend? Why? Read on to see what they said.

Terry Gillen (BA '77) wrote "Modern Intellectual History by Christopher Lasch. Connected a wide variety of fields in one terrific course."

Frederick J. Holbrook (BA '61) wrote "Dr. Arthur May; Europe since 1914"

Sue Kuscher Spector (BA '62) wrote "The City in American History. Richard Wade; EUROPE SINCE 1865, Arthur May"

Holly Thau (BA with Distinction in History '67) wrote "History 218 Italian Renaissance with Professor Salamone. The ideological and philosophical conflicts in Renaissance Italy were/are actually timeless societal conflicts, and that lesson stayed with me for decades, affecting my perspective and understanding of modern life."

And Holly Thau also wrote "History 360 Mass Society and Totalitarianism with Professor Arthur Mitzman. Unlike any other, the course readings and Dr. Mitzman provided perspective and understanding of the trajectory of American society and politics to the present... desperately needed by young adults at this very moment - i.e. to see in discrete events and decisions the 'big' picture. Almost daily I wonder what Dr. Mitzman would have to say about issues, conflicts, personalities, et al."

Sara Zeimer (BA, History and Political Science, '16) wrote "African Diaspora in Latin America, Professor Sierra. This course sheds light on topics that seem to just be getting mass media coverage, and also sheds light on the impact of slavery and the caste system in the Americas. It also provides a less Americancentic (as in the United States of America) view of colonization which is so important to understanding how the world is the way it is. And probably most importantly is Professor Sierra is amazing and every history student should enjoy his courses!"

Mitchell Zuckerman (BA '68) wrote "Loren Baritz, American intellectual history in 1964. It changed my life."

Stay tuned for another question next month!

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