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  • Writer's pictureUR Department of History

A Final Word from the Chair

By Professor Laura Ackerman Smoller

Professor Laura Ackerman Smoller's term as department chair ends on June 30. (Photo courtesy of Laura Smoller)

I’m sitting in my department office on an achingly beautiful early summer day, staring out the window at the Rush Rhees tower set against a clear blue sky. It’s a good day for reflections. At the end of June, I will finish my three and one-half year term as chair of the University of Rochester history department. It’s been an event-filled time to serve, as department faculty, staff, and students navigated together the turbulent waters of budget crisis, pandemic shut-downs, hybrid instruction, and COVID protocols—let alone a series of national and world events that have wrenched our hearts and consciences.

Through it all, I’ve been buoyed by the resilience of those around me, the incredible enthusiasm of students on their return to campus, the creativity and accomplishments of my history colleagues, the at times implausible good cheer of our office staff, and the encouraging words of our dedicated alumni. I’m proud to be affiliated with so many wonderful people, all of whom have made it a true honor to serve as this department’s chair.

And I’m thankful that circumstances allowed my final graduation as chair to mark a return to in person celebrations. It was such a joy this May to be there in the room as our honors students presented their sophisticated research projects, to see our doctoral students hooded at Kodak Hall, and to preside over our first “real” department diploma ceremony since the spring of 2019. To speak with our students at the reception afterwards was to hear story after story of what their time in the department of history meant to them, to learn all over again the special rapport UR history faculty members have with those they encounter in and outside of the classroom. I’m grateful for each handshake and hug, for every story and word of thanks.

Commencements remind us why we do what we do and promise that every seeming end is also a beginning. For me, the completion of my time as department chair marks the start of a year of sabbatical leave, a welcome return to my research on medieval astrology and prophecy prior to my re-entry into the classroom. For our students, the end of their undergraduate careers spells the beginning of their years as UR alumni. And, as I bring these musings to a close, my thoughts keep returning to our amazing history alums. Your support, your memories, your generosity, and your perspective have all enriched my experience as department chair and have made this department a better and more welcoming place for our students. Thank you.

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